Phone: 715-779-5413 Address: 34060 Weber Rd, Bayfield WI.
Frequently Asked Questions
Price $$
Delivered (within 30 miles of Bayfield)
$105 per face cord
2 face cord minimum
For Pick-up
$95 per face cord (pickup deliveries need to be arranged ahead of time)
face cord or full cord?
A face cord is a load of cut and split firewood that measures 4-feet high by 8-feet wide by 16-inch deep.
A Full cord is load of cut and split firewood that measures 4 feet high by 8-feet wide by 4 feet deep.
So, a face cord is a 1/3 of a full cord.
We sell wood by the face cord because its smaller in volume and most people in the area a familiar with the terminology.
Is there a minimum order amount?
yes, we have a 2 face cord minimum for delivery. We deliver to Ashland, Washburn, Bayfield, Cornucopia and Herbster.
You can also pick up your firewood at our wood yard. This is cheaper and there is no minimum order. Its $95 a face cord or pickup truck load. For pick up please call ahead and arrange a time. 715-779-5413
What kind of wood and how dry?
We sell northern hardwoods. This is Oak, Maple, Birch, Ironwood and Ash.
Our wood is seasoned. Meaning that it has been drying for six months and is between 25%-18% on our moisture reader.
We also sell what we call campfire wood. This is basswood or pine which catches fire easier. Great for outdoor burning.